Thursday, March 8, 2012

8th March 2012

Today is the 8th of March in 2012
Unfamiliar feelings raise with the morning light
Complicated mixed emotion starts to shelve
Trying not to worry as it bring nothing but blinded insight

This undescribable feeling puts energy to pause
Like a static ball in a speeding circuit
Draws away rational reason for cause
The deeper involved, the farther it drags from exit

It is neither sadness, frustration nor stress
Only God knows what would describe it best
Some things are better left unaddress
For it may be an omen of bless

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Double Three

Double three
Three after thirty
The number sounds lucky
If that is so, let it be

Double three
Many did not even pass twenty
Some stop sharp at thirty
If extended to forty or beyond fifty
Will there be substance in maturity

Double three
Generously given chances and opportunity
If  being called unexpectedly
Can these questions be answered satisfyingly..
Has wealth been shared with the needy?
Has enough seeds planted for jariah tree?
Have sins been repent repeatedly?
Has contribution been given to religion and society?
Most importantly..are you ready?

At double three
This prayer is said whole heartedly
O Allah The Mighty..
Cross my path to those with sincerity
Lead and protect this heart from impurity
Guide this life worth living, not wasted stupidly
Before I go..please forgive me
When I have to go, please make my love ones be with me
When I am going, please take me gently, softly with sympathy
When I am gone, please Allah..bless my jariah tree grow beautifully
When I come to you..please embrace me with love and mercy