Hi All/ Assalamualaikum,
Starting literature review can be confusing and difficult in the first year of PhD especially when our Master degree was by course work. But trust me, as you go along this PhD journey, doing literature review is one of the easiest task.
In regards to the sharing of knowledge in DSG FB about managing references; I totally agree on the superb benefits from Endnotes, Mendeley and other softwares. I personally an Endnotes user.
However, on top of the softwares, I use the conventional Excel and MWords to keep track of the articles I've read and summarised. But first I must mention that this tip is not entirely my idea, it was shared by my sister in law, Dr Elyna Myda (she has passed her phd from UCL early this year Alhamdulillah).
By updating these templates, I have a quick check on the number of articles I've read, the important points from each article and most important is practice to write at least 500 words/day.
Enclosed are samples of my templates.
(1) Excel Masterlist
Follow the link above and open sheet 'Masterlist' - the compilation of all the articles that have been read & summarised.
In the 2nd column 'Ref no', I labelled different types of Ref no. to indicate different topics of discussion. For example Ref No. A is about PKPD (pls see the Mwords doc enclosed for sample on article summary, below)(2) Article summaries (ex: A-GFR PKPD)
For the summary of articles (in MWords doc), I merely spelled out what I have in mind in regards to the article, sometimes I cross reference points from other articles pertaining to similar discussion.
(3) Sample of Literature Review report
This is not the best example but good enough to give an overview.
As I am now in the stage of finishing up my thesis, I find these short notes in Excel and Mwords very helpful. This works for me and I hope you'll find your magic somewhere in between. Good luck in your journey and please make doa for the success of my viva early next year :)
If you are interested, there are also several entries about surviving 1st year Phd in this blog for sharing.